Sochař z Vysočiny
Monografie sochaře Josefa Klimeše k jeho sedmdesátým narozeninám. Náklad 200 kusů (vyprodáno).
Women’s Voices in Rowing
14 women, 14 rowers. 14 stories. Sport is fascinating and exciting, but not always fair. Rowing is no exception. Despite gender inequality, behind-the-scenes machinations, financial injustice, and other problems in the system, rowing attracts women all over the world to dedicate their time, passion, and energy to the sport. They compete, they coach, and they fight to improve the conditions for rowers in general. Dive into the remarkable testimonies of inspiring and tough women from all over the world who talk about their rowing experience and about how their lives have been affected by a sport where you win by going backward as fast as you can. These women reveal their victories and defeats, their challenges and fears, and also their ideas on how to make the world of rowing a safer and more equal environment.
Hidden Voices in Rowing
Twelve stories, one photographic essay, one pop-up art exhibition. Daniela‘s second book is about the unseen people in rowing who have been shaping the future of this exciting sport. The Hidden Voices in Rowing is a distinctive selection of voices that you probably never heard of, though they’re truly inspirational. It will allow you to look deeper into the sport where the movement takes you backwards. The author interviewed people responsible for the research in rowing as well as those who have been in charge of the biggest rowing company in the world. Through a wide range of rowing insiders, the book offers a unique look into the sport that is deeply rooted in tradition yet is confronted by the innovations of a few exceptional individuals who were willing to share their thoughts.
Krajina Těla
Zpověď ženy, která prožívá několik osudových okamžiků najednou: snaží se překonat samu sebe v extrémních podmínkách, ale tragická láska ji téměř srazí na kolena. Žena a hory, muži a moderní výtvarné umění. Jde o soudobý román o partnerských vztazích, akcentující aktuální témata postmoderní doby, v neposlední řadě i téma ženské sexuality a postavení žen v české společnosti. Cesta americkou divočinou je zároveň poutí do hlubin vlastní paměti.